
EssenceMediacom Doing It For Dolly 2024

I'm fundraising to create safer spaces

I am taking part in Do It For Dolly Day! It is a day dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting in taking a stand against bullying.

For my fundraiser, I am Doing Drag For Dolly! Not because it's silly or to be made fun of, but just the opposite. In Australia, 80% of LGBTQIA+ bullying occurs in schools where education and resources are needed to prevent bullying. Workplaces still have a long way to go to create safe spaces, removing gender normed dress codes to be more inclusive.

There is a responsibility in the business world to have actions behind words, and create safe, more inclusive spaces, and removing any stigma around how a person identifies or expresses themselves. 

I will be wearing heeled boots, make up, and more to work everyday with a full female wardrobe on Friday.

Your donation will help raise much-needed funds for Dolly's Dream and support their anti-bullying initiatives and programs that are helping to empower and educate our community about the power of kindness and bullying prevention.

Any sponsorship will help make a difference and together we can make Dolly's dream a reality.

#DoItForDollyDay #BeKind #EndBullying

My Updates

Trivia Host on his Feet

Friday 10th May
Wednesday I hosted an internal trivia fundraiser and I'm not sure what was tougher - being on my feet for most of it or the contention with question difficulty but we all came unscathed for a good cause. 

Question: What is the name of the first sheep clone?
Answer below.

A: Dolly 

My Feet are Crumbling

Tuesday 7th May
There is a video of me strutting that I'll post to Instagram but day-1 is awful. My team are laughing at how quickly this is breaking me but I will persevere. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kasey Jamison


Patrick Byrne

Thank you for being you. You are a beacon of humanity in what can be a harsh world mate!


Don Hess

Good job Anto.


Hamish Ward

A great cause Hess.. Heels look fab on you!


Leona Irvine

Yaaaas, queen! We love a Hess in a Dress. Cannae wait to see ya in action on Friyay.


Margurite Hess



Michelle Hess

Werk it ... ooowwwn it!


Rob Cheng

Well done!


Laura Rolfe

Strutting in heels, like you were born to do so! ❤️


Tom Heddon

Get em Hess Man !



You’re about as edgy as a satsuma.


Sandra Fenn



Love the dare! Get some Band-Aids for the blisters :)


Wendy Joukhador

Good work Hess! x