Become a
Monthly Donor

Our kids need your help

Around one in four Australian school children are bullied and one in five are cyber bullied each year.

But it’s not only our kids who are impacted – around 45 million bullying incidents take place across Australia’s schools annually and it costs our whole community greatly. And for those who lose a loved one because of it, the cost is immeasurable. 

Your generous support enables the development of vital bullying prevention and online safety programs that can be provided to kids, families, schools, and communities across Australia. 

Will you join our community of monthly donors today to help protect our kids and stop other precious lives being lost to bullying? 

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Can go towards Mental Health First Aid training to strengthen the capacity of rural and remote communities to support young people.
Can help deliver anti-bullying and cyber safety workshops in schools to keep students safe from harm.
Can help more schools have a direct line to support and resources for the prevention of bullying.
Can help maintain the cyber safety educational app to keep parents and carers up to date with trusted information to protect their children online.

Your Details

I heard about Dolly's Dream in the media.
I received a Dolly's Dream newsletter.
I held a fundraiser in support of Dolly's Dream (please provide more details in the text box below).
I want to support programs for people who live in geographically isolated areas.
I have experienced or know someone who has experienced bullying.
The reputation of Dolly's Dream - it is an organisation I can trust.

Payment Details

$0.00 monthly
Total amount

Your donation of $2 or more is tax deductible. For more information contact our Fundraising team on 1800 951 955 or email

Dolly’s Dream is proudly brought to you by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation (ABN: 96 514 115 810) in conjunction with Kate and Tick Everett. The Foundation is one of Australia’s leading national children’s charities and has supported more than 2.5 million children and their families since its launch in 1997.

Alannah & Madeline Foundation is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

Eligible tax-deductible donations have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Tax Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Dolly's Dream do?

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Dolly’s Dream is committed to changing the culture of bullying by addressing the impact of bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide through education and direct support to young people and families. 

Through our work at Dolly’s Dream we currently:

  • support schools with our eSmart framework, workshops and kindness activities
  • speak directly to parents through our newsletters, advice columns and Parent Hub portal
  • provide online products to families, helping with those really important conversations
  • assist young people via our workshops, digital products and through our advocacy efforts
  • commit to supporting the wider community, particularly those in rural and regional areas, by providing a free counselling service.

Read more about our impact here

What happens when i become a monthly donor?

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By becoming a regular giver, you are supporting the work of Dolly's Dream by making an automatic donation every month by credit card. 

Your ongoing  generous support enables the development of vital bullying prevention and online safety programs that can be provided to kids, families, schools, and communities across Australia. 

Where does my monthly donation go?

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Through our work at Dolly’s Dream we currently:

  • support schools with our eSmart framework, workshops and kindness activities
  • speak directly to parents through our newsletters, advice columns and Parent Hub portal
  • provide online products to families, helping with those really important conversations
  • assist young people via our workshops, digital products and through our advocacy efforts
  • commit to supporting the wider community, particularly those in rural and regional areas, by providing a free counselling service.

Is my donation tax deductible?

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Yes, all donations to Dolly's Dream over $2 are tax deductible.

When will my donation be deducted?

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Your first donation will be deducted when you sign up to become a monthly donor. Your next (and subsequent) donations will be deducted on the date that you choose.

Will i receive a receipt?

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Absolutely! After you sign up to become a monthly donor, your first gift is deducted on the day and you will receive a receipt by email. 

At the end of the financial year, we will send you an annual receipt detailing your donations over the past financial year.

How can i update my contact or credit card details?

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You are able to log in and edit your details, and view or download receipts. 
You can log in via the log in icon which can be found on the top right of the Dolly's Dream website.

You can also contact our team to make any changes. Please email or phone our friendly team on 1800 951 955 between 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Can i pause or make changes to my monthly donation?

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We understand that people's circumstances change and we are here to help you find ways that better meet your financial circumstances without diminishing your impact.

Whether you decide to reduce your monthly donation amount or you are considering pausing your gift for a few months, simply contact our team.

Telephone: 1800 951 955

How do i get in touch?

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If you have any questions about how you can best support Dolly's Dream, please contact us between 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Telephone: 1800 951 955