
Our range of online safety and anti-bullying workshops can be tailored for students of all ages, as well as parents, teachers and even the general community.

We know that everyone’s level of knowledge of the online world is different, and that’s why we adapt our workshops for each individual audience and their needs. Designed by leading experts and delivered by one of our mental health first aid trained facilitators, our workshops are built to be interactive and engaging, without fear of judgement.

Our workshop topics

The ABC's of digital safety- For Prep/Foundation students

Students will understand that the internet is a great place where we can do wonderful things, but like everywhere in life, following some rules can help us keep safe. A - Ask for help , B - Be kind, C - Create some rules.

Be a Digital Defender! – For Grade 1 & 2 students

Students will understand that the internet is a great place but sometimes things can go wrong, so they need to know how to defend themselves. Students will learn that to be a digital defender they need to; Know what to do when something online makes you feel uncomfortable. Know the importance of being kind online. Know how rules keep us safe.

Be a decent digital citizen – For Grade 3 & 4 students

Students will understand that the internet is a great place and that its everyone's responsibility to make it a safe place . Students will learn that to be a decent digital citizen they need to know; 1. Privacy Matters – what to share and what not to​. 2. Be kind – your actions and your words are powerful​ . 3. Go where its right for you! – some content can be harmful.

Digital decisions - How to make good ones! - For Grade 5 & 6 students

Students will understand that the internet is a great place, and as they approach 13 the world of social media presents itself. Therefore, the importance of making positive and informed decisions is crucial for digital safety. Concepts explored; Banter V Bullying; How to Present the best version of themselves and the importance of knowing where to get support and how to report.

Digital dilemmas - know what to do! – For Year 7 & 8 students

Students will explore the concepts of Banter V’s Bullying; Upstander V’s Bystander and the importance of knowing where to get Support and how to Report. Students gain knowledge and understanding about how to make the internet a safe and kind place for all. Please note - youth suicide is mentioned.

Digital dramas - take control! – For year 9 – 11 students

Students will explore the concepts of Bullying- the ugly truth; Show up- for yourself and others and the importance of knowing where to get Support and how to Report. Students gain knowledge and understanding about how to make the internet a safe and kind place for all. Please note - youth suicide is mentioned.

Parenting in the digital age – For parents & carers of children and young people

Parents/carers will develop an understanding of the negative consequences of bullying. Know where and how to report inappropriate content, and how best to support young people who are experiencing harm. Parents/carers will be equipped with the latest research regarding online behaviours.

Teaching in the digital age – For Teachers

Educators will understand the risks and opportunities afforded by technology for young people, how to help keep their students safe online and how to address conflicts/unsafe behaviours. Resources, help techniques and strategies for teaching in the digital world will be explored.