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Our kids need your help

Around one in four Australian school children are bullied and one in five are cyber bullied each year.

But it’s not only our kids who are impacted – millions of bullying incidents take place across Australia’s schools annually and it costs our whole community greatly. And for those who lose a loved one because of it, the cost is immeasurable.

Your generous support enables the development of vital bullying prevention and online safety programs that can be provided to kids, families, schools, and communities across Australia.

Will you donate today to help protect our kids and stop other precious lives being lost to bullying?

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Can support Mental Health First Aid training that will enable rural and remote communities to help young people.
Can help deliver anti-bullying and cyber safety workshops in schools to keep students safe from harm.
Can help more schools have a direct line to support and resources for the prevention of bullying.
Can help maintain the cyber safety educational app to keep parents and carers up to date with trusted information.

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