Halloween Spectacular

By Steph Armstrong Join Me

Thanks for visiting my fundraising page and helping to create a kinder and safer world for Australia's kids and communities with Dolly's Dream!

Your donation will help raise much-needed funds for Dolly's Dream and support their anti-bullying initiatives and programs that are helping to empower and educate our community about the power of kindness and bullying prevention.

Every year i go all out decorating my house for Halloween and handing out hundreds of lollies. I've decided this year why not use the opportunity to not only bring joy to kids faces with the display and lollies but also give them the opportunity to give back with a donation to this great cause and help put a stop to bullying.

 You can sponsor me and leave a message by clicking the donate button above.

Together we can make Dolly's dream a reality.

#DoItForDolly #bekind

Thank you to my Sponsors


Funds Raised At Halloween Fundraiser




Donna And Gareth Laylim


Tania Conroy


Michelle Farrugia



Thanks so much for all the work you put in to your wonderful display!


Manuel Da Costa