How to help a friend being bullied

06 Dec 2023

Bullying is bad for everybody – not just the person being bullied. It can make places like school or your sporting club seem unsafe and make you feel as though you don’t want to go there.

If a friend, or someone you know is being bullied you can do something about it. Even if you don’t feel as though you can step in and stop the situation yourself, there are still things you can do, like:

  • Don’t stay and watch or encourage bullying. Walk away.
  • Don’t get involved in harassment, teasing or spreading gossip about others off or online.
  • Don’t forward or respond to offensive or upsetting messages or photos.
  • Support the person who is being bullied to ask for help. For example, you could go with them to a place they can get help or provide them with information about where to go for help.
  • Tell a trusted adult who might be able to help.

Get help if you need it

  • We have a variety of resources for parents, carers, and young people readily available on Parent Hub.
  • Dolly’s Dream offers a 24/7 helpline that can be reached by call or text at 0488 881 033.
  • Your child’s teacher may be able to point you towards suitable resources to help you explain things.
  • You could also seek advice from a counsellor or Parentline.
  • If your child says that they have been abused or assaulted, help is available from a professional counselling service, like Kids HelplineThe Australian Institute of Family Studies also has some advice on this.
  • Click here for more information about how to report bullying or abusive content via the eSafety Commissioners website.


If you are concerned about a child or young person, please seek help.

Speak to a trusted GP, school wellbeing staff, or a helpline such as:

Dolly’s Dream Support Line 0488 881 033

Parentline in your state or territory

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

headspace 1800 650 890

Lifeline 13 11 14