Around one in four Australian school children are bullied and one in five are cyber bullied each year.

Dolly's Dream was established in memory of Dolly Everett who tragically took her own life at just fourteeen following an extended period of bullying and cyberbullying. It should never have happened.

 We won't stop until the bullying stops.

Your generous donation today will be put straight to work helping to raise awareness and deliver vital bullying prevention and online safety programs to kids, families, schools, and communities across Australia.

When you support us you're helping to END BULLYING.

Your donation will help protect our kids and communities, and stop other precious lives being lost to bullying.

Your donation will prevent more precious lives being lost to bullying.

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Can provide parents with knowledge and expert advice, helping to protect their child from online abuse and bullying.
Can give five children access to critical education and tools that teach them to be smart, safe and responsible online.
Can provide education to community groups about the devastating effects of bullying and how to protect them and their loved ones.
Can deliver key bullying prevention education to schools that make a real impact in the lives of children and allow them to thrive.

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How your donation helps END BULLYING

Can provide parents with practical information and advice to help protect their children from bullying and online abuse.
Can give school children access to critical education and tools that teach them to be smart, safe and responsible online.
Can deliver education sessions in the community about the devastating effects of bullying, alongside practical advice to safeguard families and children.
Can help deliver bullying prevention education in schools across Australia, truly helping to progress our comitment to end bullying and keep children safe.